Open Action |
Action / Follow-up |
Injection in general:
- systematic check of aperture
in injection region for normal/failures cases
- installation of
Y-chambers (week 15), other modifications (BPM, ...)
- crossing/separation schemes sorted out ?
- latest optics known ? Different optics for different schemes ?
Impact on interlocking, settings.
- collection, listing of functional/engineering specs, ECRs, ...
- reference layout, aperture model, optics in database(s)
- equipment performance data in LHC database
- programme for beam
- injection sequencer
- inject-and-dump mode
(concept, hardware ?)
- injection permit loop
- energy interlocking with SPS, TCDI efficiency (all done ?)
- vacuum (water vapour)
- installation/improvement schedule
- slits between absorber blocs; reduction, model, measurements ?
- ferrites, the last word ?
- additional valves ?
- heat load and cooling ?
- measured performance (jaw flatness, motor positioning precision,
reproducibility, any alignment issues ?)
- functional spec ?
- layout
- installation schedule
- quenches on nearby magnets (all finished ?)
- TCDIP in TI 8
- TCDI positions in TI 2, special measures
("passive absorbers" ?)
- Not realistic to get
more TCDI before engineering run - use one TI 8 TCDI for the MSI in
TI 2 ?
- integration re-check in
last part of TI 2 (underway)
- nearly ready for installation
- NEG coating missing
- 1 mm error acceptable ?
- design status (flange diameter ?)
- trapped modes studied ?
- will not come before the
engineering run (phase II installation), replacement chamber ok ?
TI 2, TI 8
- database integration
- aperture model
- flexibility (comparative study more circuits vs. more collimators)
MKI (report in 2 - 3 months)
- start-up configuration LSS8 + 2, beam screens
- impedance measurement
- thermal model, screening needs
- pulse form, transients ?
- magnetic performance
- downstream transition, impedance-wise ok ?
- MBSG stray field ?
- TED formal approval that no cooling stations are needed, report
- scrapers in SPS